The Carbon Neutralising App
Falmouth University, 2020​​​​​​​
Curate and develop a solution to a specific and current environmental issue. This is a chance to accentuate the positive, to showcase and highlight the many responses that are already taking place, and encourage more to be invented, envisioned, enacted. Through talks, workshops and the suggested wider reading, you will identify an area of concern that you want to respond to. You will then create an outcome that helps address this concern and shows an audience the way, and the how, of choosing a positive response to it.

The Problem
Human activities like extracting, refining, transporting and burning fossil fuels emits too much greenhouse gases, including CO2, for the ecosystem to remove accordingly. The CO2 generated by us relies on the same ecosystem to be removed, however, with mass amounts of deforestation happening at the same time, the imbalance is becoming more apparent and is causing damage to our environment. Each person has their own individual footprint that contributes to the irreversible effects of climate change and global warming.
Encourage the wider UK public to reduce their individual carbon footprint through a goal-orientated data-based app. The aim of this app is to help the user reduce their carbon footprint. By entering daily information regarding food, travel, housing bills and more, Zero can give accurate; weekly, monthly and yearly reports highlighting the user’s carbon emissions : with the option to compare with friends and the national average. From this data the user gets a range of tips on how to reduce their footprint further, whilst setting personal goals. Featured in the app is also a positive news page and other sustainably focused add ons.

Campaign, Neumorphism, Adobe XD​​​​​​​ 

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