Disney XX
Falmouth University, 2021
Create an evocative, hyper-relevant brand building campaign around the 100th Anniversary that will make young adults into lifelong Disney fans. The challenge: turn well-loved 90s and 00s nostalgia into hyper relevancy for 2023. Brief set by The Walt Disney Company for D&AD New Blood Awards 2021.
Flipping a D&AD brief on it’s head, this project focuses of celebrating 100 years of sexist imagination in Disney. From unachievable body types and disappearing waistlines to disparaging stereotypes and unnerving undertones, Disney repeatedly portrays women through a harrowing lens, which negatively impacts young girls and boys.
Disney XX; an online platform highlighting the sexist imagery found within the "well-loved 90s and 00s" Disney films. Featuring a range of stills depicting the hyper-sexualisation of women and characters in Disney films, alongside detailed videos explaining the underlying issues surrounding this media. To advertise this platform, the web page's URL will appear on a range of tongue&cheek visual collaborations between Disney and the more salacious companies; Durex and Ann Summers. With the aim that the humour from these images would draw in a viewer & bring them to the site.
Advertising, Alternative Thinking, Photoshop + XD